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Health tourism with nature connectedness

GEJET areas

Explore the association between health tourism and human health and well-being in blue-green environments.
Bosai park

Disaster prevention park

Conduct a national survey on disaster prevention parks throughout Japan.
Climate change adaptation for human health & well-being

Health Crisis by Climate Change

Find and propose measures to address health crisis resolutions & mitigations related to climate change from urban planning perspectives.
Climate change impacts on human mental health

Mental illness by Climate Change

Investigating the negative impacts of climate change in Asia-Pacific countries on human's mental health, like climate depression.
Rice paddy dam

Eco-DRR in Tokushima

Explore decision-making strategies for rice producers and residents to manage rice fields as Eco-DRR dams.
Local nature and human health & well-being

Economic value of the impact of Ecological infrastructure on human health

In Kaiyo Town, located in Tokushima Prefecture, where is known for its abundant natural resources. I conducted a survey to assess the awareness of disaster prevention, nature, and human health among teenagers and their parents.
Biodiversity and human health

City Biodiversity

Conduct a research on urban green networks, biodiversity, and the health inequalities among residents living in these environments.